My top 18 gift picks from Amara that your friends and family will remember you for!
I used to struggle a lot about gift giving especially for Christmas. It takes time and effort to really sit down and think [...]

Before & After: A Clever, Colorful Upgrade for a Small City Kitchen
What a beautiful surprise! A kitchen remodel that I did for a client was published in TheKitchn. I had so much fun working with the [...]
5 Smart tips to beat stress and overwhelm when decorating and save your sanity!
Few things in life are as daunting as decorating your first home or moving to a new country like London (if you are interested [...]
My Favorite things: 40 Unique Gift Ideas for the Holiday – Part 2
Welcome to Part 2 of 1st annual Christine’s Christmas and Holiday gift gifting guide – My favorite things: 40 Unique gift [...]